Tanzbrasil Ethno Tour
Not currently planned...

with Ivan Vasconcellos

Folclorico Sesc da Bahia
Strand in Salvador
Farol de Itapuã
Cidade alta
Trommler von Malé de Balê
auf der Strasse

A journey to the origins
of afrobrasilian culture
into fascinating Salvador da Bahia!

Dancing & Drumming & Culture
Sun & Beach & People

Gallery      Press

Bahia is the soul of Brazil!
The capital is Salvador da Bahia - city of the secrets.

Salvador - colourful folk festivals, religious festivities, the largest street carnival of the world, culinary highlights with the flavour of palm oil and coconut milk, people, well known for their love of life, their passion for music and dance, and their connection
to the african roots.

The Tanzbrasil Ethno Tour 2019 to Salvador de Bahia in Brasil is designed for all, who want to discover the body in an new way, who enjoy dancing and music and want to get immersed into the fantastic afrobrazilian culture!

Beside the workshops the tour offers a fascinating overview of the brazilian culture, the following highlights make the tour an unforgettable experience:

  • Dance
    Intense dance classes with Ivan Vasconcellos and and other Brazilian Teachers.

  • Percussion
    Feel the power of the drums! Percussion lecture with teachers of the Blocos Afros.

  • Lecture
    Lecture in the museum Afro Brasileiro
    Topic: Deities of the Candomblé - with Ivan Vasconcellos.

  • City Tour
    Sight-seeing tour of Salvador.

  • Dune Tour
    We enjoy the nature by our walking tour through the dunes around the Lagoa Abaeté.

  • Tanzbrasil na Rua
    Dancing on the street! Parade & Performance with the Bloco "Afro Muzenza" at the traditional festivity "Lavagem do Bonfim".

The tour starts with a one week stay in a guesthouse at the wonderful beach near Itapoan where we can enjoy the sun and the ocean. Beside the courses we will discover the colourful diversity of the market or the freshwater lagoon Lagoa Abaeté.

Beach-Hotel and surrounding

For the second week we move to the historical center of Salvador exploring the Pelourinho. We will diectly experience the music and energy of Olodum, Cortejo Afro, Filhos de Gandhy and a lot more …

City-Hotel and concert near by

Date:  January 6 to 20, 2019

Further tour information is going to be added by March 2018!

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